Easter means many things to many people. For me it means time for family and friends, just like all the other holidays. Holidays are often the only time you will find our shop closed. Unless of course it's a floral holiday!
As a business, our hours of operation are often scrutinized, especially since we run a retail shop in the heart of downtown. And we're often very reluctant to close.
I know firsthand that as a consumer, it can be very frustrating for shops to not have extended hours, especially since we've all gotten used to the big box concept where you can get tons of cheap stuff almost any hour of the day - holidays included!
But as a business owner that puts in so many more hours than the general public could even begin to fathom, I have had to teach myself that sometimes, you just need to close. Because at the end of the day, and on your very last, do you really think anyone is going to remember you for your great shop hours?!
Happy Easter. May you all be taking a breather and spending special moments with friends and family. And to those of you that are working so I can find whip cream and lemons at the last minute....THANK YOU SO MUCH!