Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

Yes, I know, a little cheesy to say "Hoppy Easter", but I love it just the same.
It is filled with good intentions and warm wishes for fun.
Spring is really here for the most part and the store is just hopping...(no reference to Easter)
We have lots of new spring products, and lots more on the way so come on by and take a look.

Brides are coming out of the woodwork! We are busy booking consultations for 2010 and 2011 weddings....if you know of anyone getting married, please send them our way asap before the dates fill up.

Best wishes for a wonderful weekend of Easter fun. Hopfully you'll get to spend it with family and friends. (Yes, I know "hopefully" is spelled wrong, but I couldn't resist one last poke at some cheesy Easter fun....)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

Well, Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I was looking for ideas for some great Irish sayings to use for the day, and came across several that I liked alot.
Interesting to note that pretty much all of them involve being optimistic and grateful!
My favorite discovered today: "May your house always be too small to hold all your friends"
And my second favorite was something along the lines of, it is better to give a token bouquet of flowers to your friends today, than to be placing a grandiose arrangement upon a grave tomorrow!
Basically it means to let people know you love them before it's too late!
Enjoy the rest of your day, whether it involves green tea, green beer, or irish coffee. If you're lucky, it won't involve haggis!

Monday, March 8, 2010

International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day!
This was started way back in the early 1920's when women faced oppression from many different sources.
Women of yesterday were instrumental in changing attitutes towards how we are viewed today.
Fortunately this means that in most of our modern civilized countries we have many freedoms that we can enjoy while being treated with equality and respect.
Let us not forget, that not every woman is so fortunate.
There are victims the world over, here and abroad, engaged in battles of will, battles of the mind, and even battles of the body to attain those same freedoms we take for granted. May we all find ways to assist these people, the strongest women among us.
Thank you to our forebearers, for myself, my girlfriends, my mother, my sisters, my aunts, my nieces, my neighbours, and mostly, thanks for my daughter. (She is soon headed to university to study business- unheard of for women in years past!)
I am so grateful to be a woman today, in this wondrous and wonderful country called Canada!

Make it a great day, or make it a grateful day! Either will do.